Ms. Saba Zulfiquar completed her graduation in Zoology (Hons) in 2014 from Zakir Hussain Delhi College, University of Delhi, and M.Sc. in Zoology subject from Department of Zoology, University of Delhi in the year 2018. She has also done a B.Ed. form Jamia Millia Islamia. She qualified for CSIR-UGC JRF/NET (Life Sciences). She has also worked in the past in a Government School where she mentored Learning of Biology Experiments at the district level, attended various seminar, workshops, and symposiums, and attended various memory training and skill development programmes organized by the Delhi Government. Currently, she has been working as an Assistant Professor in Miranda House College since 2019 and teaching courses on Animal Diversity, Non-Chordates, Diversity of Chordates, Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates, Developmental Biology, Apiculture, Medical Diagnostics, Biochemistry, Animal Behaviour, and Chronobiology. She has also worked as a member of the organizing committee for workshops and Symposiums and as a resource person in the bridge course for undergraduate students. She has been associated with the MH Vatavaran Society of the college. Attended various webinars organized by NIEPA to understand educational policies and enhancement in teaching skills.

First question, would you mind introducing yourselves to our gripping onlookers?
Greetings all. I'm Saba Zulfiquar, an assistant professor in the department of Zoology at Miranda House. I've been serving this prestigious institution since 2019. I'm also part of MH Vatavaran, the college's society working towards environmental awareness.
Could you provide some insight into your academic area of specialization and share what inspired your pursuit of it?
I completed my postgraduate studies from the Department of Zoology in the University of Delhi, and my specialization is in entomology, endocrinology, and chronobiology. I have been teaching multiple subjects in college, like ecology, biodiversity, animal behavior, and many more. My personal choice was a big driver for my academic domain. For the past two years, I have been teaching ecology as I have a keen interest in environmental awareness and I believe in maintaining equilibrium with nature.
What are some of the key research areas within zoology that are focused on environmental conservation and sustainability?
Zoology as a subject provides exposure to students to various fields where environmental conservation and management become key factors. There should be a basic understanding among students of what sustainability actually means. There are many fields like wildlife conservation where we study animal- ecosystem interactions and behaviour. We have relational biology, animal behaviour, and sericulture, which is also taught in the department, as I personally believe that insects are also an integral part of the cycle.
How does climate change impact the behavior and distribution of animal species? Can you provide specific examples of how animals are adapting to cope with changing environmental conditions?
The forest fire in California is a sad reality of how climate change is affecting the world of living beings. Global sea level rise because of higher temperatures is causing changes in marine biodiversity all across the world. Many species are on the brink of extinction. Climate crisis has many adverse effects on animal species as they are unable to accommodate such rapid changes into their existence, which alters their habitat and natural environment. The resource base of animals is broken down by such calamities. Being an entomologist, the most subtle example would be the shifting migratory patterns of Monarch butterflies who feed on Milkweed. Their food chain is disturbed by climate change, in large impacting an whole ecosystem. Another example could be the Polar bear, which is starting to move long distances in search of food and habitat. Its environment is losing its tolerance to support the requirements of the species. Polar bears’ eating patterns are also changing to other substitutes for their original food.
How do habitat loss and fragmentation affect animal populations? Can you discuss the concept of ecological corridors and their importance in preserving biodiversity?
Fragmentation is basically the breaking up of the habitat into separate isolated ecosystems. What can happen is that certain animal populations will lose their habitat, and the food chain will be affected. Also, the breeding ground of the animals will suffer a huge hit, which will alter the breeding pattern of certain species. As for my understanding of ecological corridors, it is basically the situation of two isolated ecosystems being connected by a green strip or patch of grass, which will help in maintaining the genetic diversity and also promote free movement of animals. It will also maintain population and, in large part, conserve biodiversity.
Cities are increasingly becoming habitats for various animals. How does urbanization impact wildlife behaviour and ecology, and what can be done to promote coexistence between humans and urban wildlife?
Urbanization basically encroaches the green cover by deforestation and development projects, which acts as a hindrance in the path of animals and will substantially decrease their survival rate from predators. The pollution caused by urban spaces, of any kind, will cause a shift in their behavioural patterns; it could also alter their migratory patterns, and their whole cycle from breeding to eating will suffer a hit, which will disrupt the spatial dynamics of wildlife.
What are the ethical considerations involved in conducting research on animals and their habitats, particularly in the context of environmental conservation?
Ethical considerations could be maintained by incorporating the 4Rs system, which is Replacement, Reduction, Refinement, and Responsibility. Replacement could be understood as using non-animal methods instead of live animals when feasible for experiments. Reduction is minimizing the number of animals used in an experiment by optimization. Refinement is modifying and improving methods to accommodate natural beings of wildlife. Responsibility is an ethical consideration throughout the research process. I think in this way ethics can be maintained during research.
What are some of the most promising technologies or innovations that can be applied to environmental conservation and sustainable management of natural resources?
Our college is leading in environmental awareness and conservation. We have also been following many innovative technologies to preserve our environment while also pursuing permissible development. For instance, our college has its paper recycling facility and the rooftops are also used for harnessing solar energy to reduce the electricity consumption. The current market trends also point towards the use of electric vehicles instead of those that run on exhaustible resources like petroleum, etc. We can also look towards Hydroponics that use wastewater to generate electricity, they are readily available in the market. We also have the option of using rainwater harvesting methods to save water effectively. There are many technologies in the market that move us towards a greener future.
What are the future challenges and opportunities in the field of zoology and environmental conservation? What advice would you give to young researchers and students interested in pursuing a career in this field?
Climate crisis is the most sensitive issue of the current times, which is disturbing the equilibrium of natural forces affecting every species, be it man or animal. It is severely disturbing the behaviour patterns of living beings with their environment. For students who wish to pursue further studies, they have many fields of study, like microbiology, habitat restoration, etc, that work towards the preservation of our environment. Students can pursue postgraduate studies in wildlife conservation and management, where sensitisation towards nature is a key element.
Further education in genetic sciences can help in identifying patterns of changes over centuries. To become a better researcher, a person must have foundational knowledge of the subject and study area. They should have patience while working consistently towards their future aspirations.
Lastly, ma'am, do you love plants and if you were to build a garden of your own what plants would you choose and why?
I am a nature lover at heart, and if I were to create a garden of my own, I would choose vibrant flowers with aesthetic value like sunflowers, herbs like mint, which can also provide medicinal benefits, and vegetables like tomatoes, etc. I would also love to keep aloe vera for its overall value and money plant as decor.
Interviewed by: Priya Singh, Susama (MHV Editorial Team Volunteers)
Edited by: Simran Poonia (Editorial Team Volunteers)
Picture credit: Gurnoor (MHV Social Media Team Volunteer)