And the spring is left with some more fragrance ...
Behind every win there is a team and their planning and passion doing wonders for them. In case of Miranda house, all Botany department teachers are a part of the Garden Committee of the college which takes care of the flowers and plants diligently. Besides hundreds of varieties and colors of flowers, we can also see plants, trees and grasses around the college campus making it a verdure paradise. Some of them are medicinal plants, last single species plants and flowers, etc.
Efforts are being made to revive the plants which suffered in the lockdown period and we can hope to see an ever more beautiful collection in the coming times!
Glandular Cape Marigold
Scientific name - Dimorphotheca Sinuata
This is native to South Africa and bloom over mid winter season.

Purple Wood Sorrel
Scientific name -Oxalis Purpurea
It is cultivated as an ornamental flower and is a native of Southern Africa. They bloom from February to September.

Drummond’s Phlox
Scientific name - Phlox Drummondii
Its origin is in North America. It can be found in huge color variations from white to red through pink, cream, etc. and almost black

Cape Marguerite
Scientific name - Dimorphotheca Ecklonis
Its native place is South Africa. It is now considered as weed in some parts of Australia particularly Victoria and Western Australia. It blooms in April- September.

Golden Fleece
Scientific name- Thymophylla Tenuiloba
It is a drought tolerant plant and can be grown in dry and rocky soil. It’s a native of both Texas and Mexico. It is a summer blooming flower.

White vervain
Scientific name - Verbena Urticifolia
It is an American native that blooms over summer season. It is useful in heart diseases, swelling, nasal cavity, mild gum disease, etc

Pot Marigold
Scientific name- Calendula officinalis
This is a native to Eurasia. The flowering period is from June until October. These colorful flowers attract butterflies and bees. They also make excellent companion plants for vegetable crops. Their distinctive odor help keeps garden pests away. In the language of flowers, pot marigold symbolizes sorrow or sympathy. The flowers are edible; they have a slightly peppery taste. It is sometimes known as “Poor Man’s Saffron,” as it can be used as a substitute for the more expensive saffron. Pot marigold has been used in traditional herbal medicine to treat wounds, eczema, burns, and insect bites. It is an ingredient in cosmetics, beauty products and perfumes.

Guabiraba or Perfume Guava
Scientific name- Campomanesia lineatifolia
It is found in western South America - central and northern Brazil, Peru, Colombia, and Ecuador. It grows in regions with an average temperature of 22 – 30 °C with annual rainfall above 1,500 mm. It is an evergreen tree with edible fruit and are berries. The aromatic yellow fruit is eaten raw, made into juices or pulped for use. Perfume can be extracted from the leaves.

Scarlet Sage
Scientific name- Salvia Splendens
This is a tender perennial plant listed as a casual alien, garden thug, naturalized, and a weed in the Global Compendium of Weeds. It is native to Brazil and possibly Colombia. Natural enemies include slugs, which eat foliage and can result in poor plant growth; aphids, which suck plant juices and can coat the plant’s leaves with sticky honeydew; and sweet potato whiteflies, which may cause mild to severe infestations. S. splendens has been introduced to tropical and temperate regions around the world as an ornamental plant

Scientific name- Celosia Argentea
It is an annual flowering plant, and while its origin is uncertain, it is most likely native to Africa, India and the Americas. Cockscomb is a species of celosia. ‘Cockscomb’ is also known as ‘wool flower’ and ‘brain celosia’, and ‘Chi Kuan’ in China, where it is commonly grown. They bloom in typically strong bright colors of yellow, red, orange and pink, and the seeds develop underneath the crested flower. These plants do not like to have their leaves or flowers wet, as it can cause fungal diseases to grow. Cockscomb flowers bloom from spring to summer.

Scientific Name- Celosia Crista

These are tender perennials but are usually grown as annuals in cooler climates. The plants produce dense undulating inflorescence that resemble the red combs on the heads of roosters, hence their common name is Cockscomb. The colors range from white and yellow to shades of orange, red and purple. The Celosia is a symbol of boldness. It is mainly cultivated as ornamental plant.
Barberton Daisy
Scientific Name- Gerbera Jamesonii
Gerbera gets its name from German botanist and medical doctor Traugott Gerber. This is the natives of tropical regions of South America, Africa and Asia. This fifth most popular flower is widely used in arrangements and over in bouquets. They are available in any color except in blue color. At night, the flower discharges oxygen and absorbs carbon dioxide and other toxins found in the air. Gerberas like sunflowers are classic sun-trackers. The flower turns towards the sun as it moves from East to West. Gerbera flower head is actually huge cluster of hundreds of tinier flowers.

Mums or Chrysanths
Scientific Name- Chrysanthemum
This is the most popular flower after rose and is originated from China. The word “Chrysanthemums” has its roots in the Greek words “Khrusos” which means gold and “Anthemon” which means flower. It is the official flower of Chicago. This flower has different meanings for instance, in Asia, Chrysanthemum is a symbol of friendship, luck, joy, and happiness. The petals are often used in dishes for a pleasant aroma and a good taste. This also contains a chemical called pyrethrum which is a natural bug repellent. These blooms also remove toxins from the air and are thus considered a good indoor houseplant as well.

Bunch Flower Daffodils
Scientific Name- Narcissus Tazetta
Daffodil is also called Narcissus. It gets its name from Greek myth about a handsome young man with the name Narcissus. It is the national flower of Wales. And it is a belief that if one spots the first daffodil of spring in Wales, the coming year is prosperous and full of wealth for that person. Daffodils were first cultivated in ancient Rome. . They have toxic sap which keeps insects and squirrels at a safe distance. They also kill other flowers if kept with them in a vase. The plant should be kept at a safe distance from pets. Sometimes florists do get allergic daffodil itch. They are the most hybridized plant on this planet. Tt also has potential to treat breast cancer and disease like Alzheimer’s

Livingstone Daisy
Scientific Name- Dorotheanthus Bellidiformis
This is also known as Mesembryanthemum is a succulent, annual or semi-annual, mat forming plant. It is native to South Africa. Also called Ice Plant, this mat-forming beauty is a true rock garden plant. The small, round, daisy-like flowers appear on the stems among the heavy, elliptical, pointed leaves. Bright flowers with many petite petals remain open during cloudy weather, unlike other Livingstone daises which close if the sky darkens. This variety is a compact flower bred by Syngenta. It is commonly used as a border plant, in hanging baskets, or in a patio container.

Garden Verbena
Scientific Name- Verbena Hybrida
Verbena is a genus in the family of Verbenaceae. It contains about 250 species of annual and perennial herbaceous or semi-woody flowering plants. The majority of the species are native to the Americas and Asia. The leaves are small, with five petals and borne in dense spikes. They may have some shade of blue, white, pink or purple. Some species of these are used as ornamental plants. They are drought-resistant.

Scientific Name- Petunia Axillaries
Petunia is genus in the family Solanaceae. It contains of 20 species of flowering plants of South American origin. These are generally insect-pollinated with the exception P.excerta. Petunia can tolerate relatively harsh conditions and hot climates, but not frost. Maximum growth occurs in late spring. The scent of petunias are used for thriving positive energy, also, the flower buds were bunched together for magical drinks.

Dahlia Imperialis
Scientific Name- Dahlia Imperialis
Dahlia Imperialis or bell tree dahlia is flowering plant in the family Asteraceae that grows 8-10 meters tall. It is native to Mexico, Central America and Colombia. It is a plant of the upland and mountains occurring at elevations of 1500-1700 meter and its leaves are used as a dietary supplement. It is a tuberous, herbaceous perennial,, rapidly growing from the base after a dormant winter period. These summer-blooming and vivid flowers symbolize elegance, inner strength, change, creativity and dignity.

Scientific Name- Euphorbia Pulcherrima
It is indigent to Mexico and Central America. It is particularly well known for its Red and Green foliage and widely used in Christmas floral displays. It is a shrub reaching a height of 0.6-4 meters (2-13ft). The flowers of poinsettia are unassuming and do not attract pollinators. Some people use the plant to produce Red dye and as an Antipyretic medication.

Moss Rose
Scientific Name- Portulaca Grandiflora
It is a succulent flowering plant and is a native to Argentina. It has many common names including Rose moss, Sun Rose, Mexican Rose. It is a small but fast growing annual plant ranging in various colors such as red, orange, pink, white and yellow. It is visited by honeybees for its pollen and Nectar.

Scientific Name- Gazania Rigens
Its native to Southern Africa. They produce large, daisy-like composite flower heads in brilliant shades of yellow and orange, over a long period in summer. . It is a herbaceous plant flowering from March to October in Northern Hemisphere, flowers are more numerous and larger in the spring.

This Article is curated with the help of significant contributions from Archana, Kratika, Chetna, Sindhu and Nischal who are also Project Zero Waste MH associates in MH Vatavaran, the environment society of Miranda House!