World Rhino Day is a day of awareness for all five rhino species and the work being done to save them. Since 2011, World Rhino Day has been celebrated internationally on September 22nd by rhino experts and advocates around the world! On World Rhino Day, the International Rhino Foundation celebrates the five species rhinos and all those who care about them. Join us on Team Rhino as we ‘keep the five alive.
Significance of World Rhino Day :
World Rhino Day has great significance as that is the day when people from all over the world who are Rhino enthusiasts come together to talk about the Rhino issue. Other than this, it also aims to spread awareness about the protection of the Rhino protection.
It is expected that the five species of Rhino are on the verge of extinction. There are many factors which contribute to it. These include:
Low population density
Illegal trading of Rhino horn
Poaching of Rhinos
Consistent habitat loss for several year
Efforts by India to save Rhino:-
· New Delhi Declaration on Asian Rhinos: India, Bhutan, Nepal, Indonesia and Malaysia have signed a declaration for the conservation and protection of the species.
· DNA profiles of all rhinos: It will help in curbing poaching and gathering evidence in wildlife crimes involving rhinos.
· National Rhino Conservation Strategy: It was launched in 2019 to conserve the greater one-horned rhinoceros.
· Indian Rhino Vision 2020: To attain a wild population of at least 3,000 greater one-horned rhinos spread over seven protected areas in the Indian state of Assam by 2020.
World Rhino Day Celebrations:-
Everybody should participate in the celebration of World Rhino Day. Rhino conservation would only be possible through collective efforts.
Explore more about rhino-friendly organizations – On World Rhino Day, you can connect with organizations that work for the cause. There are many organizations that take part in the events to promote the safety of rhinos.
https://rhinos.org/world-rhino-day/#:~:text=World%20Rhino%20Day%20is%20September,and%20advocates%20around%20the%20world! https://currentaffairs.adda247.com/world-rhino-day-2022-observed-on-22-september/amp/ https://www.studypage.in/chemistry/formation-of-haloarenes-from-diazonium-salts?v=amp#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=16950492991235&csi=1&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com
Written by By Nikita Joshi ( Bsc(H) Chemistry)